George Whitworth Honors

​George Whitworth Honors Program Mission Statement

The Whitworth Honors Program challenges talented and motivated scholars to pursue excellence of mind and heart, to cultivate leadership qualities and skills, and to commit to lives of service. The honors program does more than guide scholars to navigate the world as it is; it equips them to solve problems and to develop the world as it should be.

Program Learning Outcomes: 

  1. Engage the liberal arts by means of interdisciplinary courses designed for integration, reflection and application of skills, knowledge and understandings.
  2. Reflect on the ways that diversity, equity and inclusion practices contribute to greater interdisciplinary effectiveness.
  3. Reflect on how the liberal arts and disciplinary paradigms generate solutions to local and global issues, using higher-level intellectual practices. 
  4. Apply the liberal arts and disciplinary paradigms by independently planning, carrying out, documenting and defending a capstone project related to one’s chosen discipline.

The Whitworth Honors Program is rooted in the following principles that shape the program and reflect Whitworth’s core values:

  • Applied liberal arts: Requirements for credits granted in honors-program learning experiences will invite students to make connections across our shared curriculum and with their major(s) in ways that emphasize the need for problem-solving. 
  • Active and collaborative learning: Learning experiences are characterized by joint intellectual effort among students and between students and faculty members in pursuit of deeper knowledge and understanding. 
  • Christian mission: The honors program includes experiences with a faith-learning integration component.
  • Community and cohort: Registration for honors program offerings is elective and open to all Whitworth students. Participants in honors activities will find healthy interaction with fellow students and faculty members in enriching ways.
  • Educational breadth: Honors graduates must complete academic-enrichment experiences across the curriculum (not just in proximity to their major) and are expected to make connections across the disciplines.
  • Vocational preparation: Honors experiences are designed to provide a high level of preparation for post-baccalaureate educational and/or career opportunities.
  • Versatility: The Whitworth Honors Program offers a dynamic program of study, one in which students from different backgrounds and with different goals can adapt to enhance their Whitworth education. Whether pursuing advanced academic study, pre-professional training or opportunities for community engagement, honors students can adapt the requirements to offer them the best possible undergraduate training.

Enrollment in George Whitworth Honors Program

Incoming first-year students admitted with honors are eligible to enroll in the Whitworth Honors Program. Students not admitted with honors may seek enrollment once they have demonstrated academic strength in Whitworth courses. Enrollment requires securing an honors advisor from the list of departmental liaisons and submitting requisite forms to the registrar's office.

Honors Director

  • Bert Emerson, English

Honors Faculty Advisory Board

  • Olivia Cope, Biology
  • Scott Griffith, Computer Science
  • Aaron Hitefield, Political Science
  • Mary Miller, Sociology
  • Peter Moe, English
  • Rebecca O'Brien, Education
  • Aaron Putzke, Biology
  • Erica Salkin, Communication Studies
  • Jason Wollschleger, Sociology

Honors Advisors 

ArtKatie Creyts
BiologyOlivia Cope
BusinessRobin Henager
ChemistryKraig Wheeler
Communication StudiesErica Salkin
Computer SciencePeter Tucker
EducationLisa Laurier
EnglishPeter Moe
Environmental StudiesGrant Casady
Health SciencesMatt Silvers
HistoryElise Leal
Kinesiology and AthleticsKirk Westre
Math & Computer ScienceDiana Schepens
MusicBrent Edstrom
PhilosophyKeith Wyma
Physics / EngineeringPhilip Measor
Political ScienceJulia Stronks
PsychologyMark Baird
SociologyStacy George
World LanguagesKatherine Karr-Cornejo

Requirements for Honors: PIRATES Track (17)

Students entering Whitworth University as “first-years” must complete the following:
HN 300HThe Motivated Project 1
HN 400HWhitworth TED,Honors Exhibition 1
Three “H” designated Shared Curriculum courses9
Three credits of upper division (300+) “H” designated work*3
Three credits of “H” designated work at any level3

*These credits are in addition to HN 300H and HN 400H

Requirements for Honors: BUCS Track (11)

Students entering Whitworth University as “transfers” must complete the following:
HN 300HThe Motivated Project 1
HN 400HWhitworth TED,Honors Exhibition 1
Six credits of “H” designated work at any level6
Three credits of upper division (300+) “H” designated work *3

*These credits are in addition to HN 300H and HN 400H

Additional Notes

To be a George Whitworth Scholar, a student must complete one of these two tracks. No more than nine honors credits can be earned within a single department. Honors courses cannot be taken for P/NC. If an Honors course is audited, it will not count toward the Honors requirements.

To graduate as George Whitworth Scholars, students must finish their degrees with a 3.5 cumulative GPA. Students who do not meet these requirements will still be enriched by these experiences, but will not graduate as George Whitworth Scholars.

Required Courses (2)

HN 300HThe Motivated Project1
HN 400HHonors Exhibition1

Below is a sampling of courses fulfilling different categories. For full options, please speak with your Honors Advisor.

Honors Courses in Belief Inquiry Group

EL 260HSin and Chaos in Literature3
PH 199HPhilosophy in the Real World3
PH 255HFaith, Philosophy and Science3

Honors Courses in Cultural Inquiry Group

EL 115HReading in Action3
EL 157HEnvironmental Literature3
EL 226HArthurian Legends and the Holy Grail3
KIN 219HSport and Film3

Honors Courses in Expressive Inquiry Group

COM 126HWriting for Digital Media3
COM 245HApplied Speech: Forensics1
EL 110HHonors Writing & Design: Writing In the World3
EL 245HCreative Writing3

Honors Courses in Scientific Inquiry Group

BI 114HResurrection Science3
BI 120HIntroduction to Environmental Science3
CH 120HThe Chemistry in Art3
CH 161HGeneral Chemistry I Honors3
EDU 201HHonors Educational Psychology3
MA 256HHonors Elementary Probability and Stats3
SO 120HHonors Introduction to Sociology3

Honors Upper Division Courses

AR 315HCommunity Arts in Practice3
CS 378HHow to Make Darn-Near Anything3
EL 340HWriting in Virtual Worlds3
EN 454HCubeSat Leadership1
HS 365WHEvidence Based Health Science3
MA 306HNonlinear Dynamics and Chaos3
PH 355HFeminist and Multicultural Philosophy Honors3
PY 376HPsychological Trauma and Resilience3