
The Whitworth University Psychology Department is committed to academic rigor and sensitive human service through the promotion of the scientific study of mind and heart. As part of a Christian liberal arts institution, we seek to train and produce responsible, enlightened citizens who think critically and contribute actively to the field of psychology. Following a scientist-practitioner model, the curriculum is designed to develop both breadth and depth of knowledge in core areas of psychology. Students engage in research and practice that encompass foundational and advanced requirements and electives, culminating in dual senior capstone experiences. Students apply their learning as they design their own research projects, critically evaluate scientific information and other claims, and reflect on the integration of psychology with Christian faith and other worldview perspectives. They gain experience working in the community at a practicum placement of their choice, and they have the opportunity to travel to destinations that bring their classroom learning to life. We offer an enduring foundation in the investigation and understanding of human behavior, emotion and mental processes, in an atmosphere that nurtures relationships among people of diverse backgrounds and offers mutual support and friendship among faculty and students. 

The learning outcomes of this major prepare students to do the following:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and application ability of psychological principles within personal, social and organizational realms.
  2. Demonstrate critical thinking, skeptical inquiry and scientific methods to solve problems related to behavioral, mental and emotional processes.
  3. Act ethically, understand how their worldview informs their approach to psychology, and appreciate diversity.
  4. Demonstrate competence in oral, written and interpersonal communication.
  5. Implement psychological and personal knowledge, skills and values in vocational pursuits that meet personal goals and societal needs.


PY 101 Introductory Psychology3
Use of scientific method of examining human behavior. How to deal objectively with questions about behavior. Topics include biological psychology, development, perception, states of consciousness, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, disorders and therapy, social psychology and human diversity. Fall and spring semesters. Periodically offered on-line during summer semester.
PY 196 Psychology and Well-Being1
Students will explore and practice empirically based principles of well-being. This includes exploring how topics such as exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and stress impact well-being.
PY 200 Psychopathology and Film3
Introduction to social issues of psychopathology using film. Exploration of various symptoms, disorders, interpersonal dynamics, influences, treatments and legal and ethical issues. Prerequisite: PY 101. Jan Term. Periodic offering.
PY 201 Psychological Statistics3
Introduction to the process of research and the basic principles of statistics. Focus on hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: PY-101. Fall and spring semesters.
PY 206 Serial Crime in the Pacific Northwest: Psychopathology, Evil, & Justice3
This course introduces the phenomenon of serial crime as an avenue for exploring definitions and varieties of psychopathology and its intersections with criminality. Primary texts include works of true crime emphasizing key narratives about pathology, evil, and the meaning of justice for criminals and their victims/survivors. A field trip to Seattle-area locations will assist students in understanding the context in which serial crime occurs, and what our societal response to it might be, with an emphasis on victim advocacy and vocation. Periodic summer offering.
PY 210 Developmental Psychology3
The biological, psychological, social, and cultural influences on human development from conception through death. Fall and spring semester.
PY 211 Lifespan Development3
For Continuing Studies Students only. An examination of developmental psychology, addressing the biological, psychological, social, and cultural influences on human development across the lifespan.
PY 225 Cognitive Psychology3
An examination of important concepts in Cognitive Psychology, including attention, memory, language, problem solving and decision making, and cognitive neuroscience. Special consideration will be placed on important experimental findings and the applications of cognitive principles in education, the legal system, counseling, marketing, and other fields. Prerequisite: PY 101. Spring semesters.
PY 227 Personality and Individual Differences3
This course explores historical and current perspectives on the nature of human personality, including personality development, assessment, and change. Other important dimensions along which humans can vary, such as gender, culture, intellectual ability, and genetic/biochemical composition, are also considered. Prerequisite: PY 101. Fall and spring semester.
PY 236 Biological Psychology3
An examination of the biological underpinnings of human thought, feeling and action. Considers neuronal and hormonal communication, along with behavioral genetics and evolutionary psychology. Prerequisite: PY-101. Fall or spring semester.
PY 241 Social Psychology3
Examines how an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. Trends and findings of current research and its limitations. Prerequisite: PY 101. Fall or spring semester.
PY 301 Research in Psychology3
Introduction to conducting psychological research. Topics include ethics, hypothesis formation, descriptive research, experimental design, reliability and validity. Students will practice skills learned in PY201 through data collection and analyses. Prerequisite: Take PY 101 and take PY 201 or MA 256. Fall and spring semesters.
PY 328 Perspectives on Moral Development3
Explores various theoretical perspectives and research studies regarding the conception and study of morality and moral development. The primary questions addressed in the course are: (a) What does it mean for us to think, feel, and act morally? (b) In what ways do our moral cognitions, emotions, and behaviors change from childhood to adulthood? (c) In what ways do our moral cognitions, emotions, and behaviors remain stable from childhood to adulthood? (d) How are these cognitions, emotions, and behaviors conceptualized and studied by various theoretical perspectives? (e) How do past and present research inform our understanding of moral development?
PY 330 Psychology of Poverty and Social Class3
Examines how social class affects cognitive, emotional, and social development; how the more affluent make attributions of behavior and circumstances of the poor; and how these attributions affect helping behavior and psychological outcomes. Prerequisite: PY 101. Sophomore level and above. Also listed as CE 330. Periodic.
PY 335 Exploring Central Nervous System Disorders3
Explores a variety of diseases and disorders of the brain and central nervous system (CNS). Current research is placed within the context of patient symptoms, experiences, and societal implications. Special focus on current methods used to study the brain-based mechanisms, novel treatments strategies, and bigger picture perspectives for each condition.
PY 336 Drug Use and its Effects3
Explores the effects of major categories of drugs on the brain from a biological and neuroscience-based perspective. How do these drugs affect the brain, its structures, and its neurotransmitters--and what effect does this in turn have on behavior? This course examines research on current drugs and the discovery of new drugs, and considers how this research can inform treatment strategies and our understanding of addiction.
PY 337 Books, Brains, & Beliefs3
Consider the personal experience, symptoms, and brain mechanisms associated with 3 mental health or neurological conditions using memoirs, novels, and other popular readings. Possible topics include depression, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's disease, developmental conditions, or traumatic brain injuries. Each condition is studied within the context of multiple viewpoints and faith-based perspectives.
PY 340 Love, Altruism and Forgiveness3
An examination of why people experience love and behave altruistically. Topics include the emotions of love and hate, empathy, forgiveness, hope, and courage; social categorization; and self-other relationships. Prerequisite: PY 101. Jan term. Periodic offering.
PY 341 The Psychology of Love3
For Continuing Studies students only. An examination of how and why people experience love. Topics include theoretical perspectives on love, altruism, emotion, love vs. hate, empathy, forgiveness, hope, courage, self-other relationships, and more.
PY 345 Forensic Psychology3
Examines the relationship between psychology and the law, police psychology, investigative psychology, legal psychology, and criminal psychology. Special consideration will be placed on how concepts such as developmental, clinical, cognitive, and social psychology can be applied and integrated into the legal system. Prerequisite: PY 101.
PY 350 Psychology and Christian Faith3
Explores the integration of psychological research and Christian faith. Examines potential tensions and resolutions in integrating psychological and Christian approaches to understanding development, maturity, conversion, and counseling. Prerequisite: three courses in psychology, including PY 101. Periodic.
PY 353 Psychological Assessment3
Provides a survey of fundamental goals and principles of psychological assessment in both theoretical and applied contexts, including identifying the primary constructs assessed by psychologists. Students will explore theories, techniques, applications, and limitations of assessments and sample commonly used psychological screenings/tests. Includes overview of psychometric principles: test reliability/validity, and consideration of ethical and professional issues. Prerequisites: PY 101 and PY 227. Spring semester.
PY 355 Helping Skills3
Learn to use concepts and models of research-based helping skills. Skills-based and experiential course format providing first-hand experience in simulated role-play helping situations. Prerequisites: PY 101 and PY 227. Fall or spring semester.
PY 357 Developmental Psychopathology3
Explore the developmental psychopathology perspective and how it is used to understand selected disorders of childhood. Review of the description, assessment, epidemiology, etiology, and treatment of commonly diagnosed behavioral and emotional disorders in childhood. Prerequisite: PY 101 & either PY 210 or PY 358. Fall or spring semester.
PY 358 Psychopathology3
Study of behavior categorized as mental illness or mental disorder. Introduction to the DSM and treatment. Pertinent issues in genetic and neurochemical factors, family interactions, and other social relationships examined. Prerequisites: PY 101. Fall and spring semester.
PY 359 Theories of Counseling3
Introduction to the field of counseling, including major theoretical orientations, both historical and recent: psychoanalytic, behavioral, humanistic/existential. Prerequisites: PY 101 and PY 227 (PY 358 recommended). Fall or spring semesters.
PY 360 Psychology of Consumerism3
Explores the effect of consumer culture on the lives of individuals. Topics include identity formation, psychological motivations for materialism and consumption, how consumerism shapes relationships, and its effect on the environment. Antidotes such as voluntary simplicity, gratitude, and mindfulness are also discussed. Spring semester.
PY 365 Psychology of Emotion3
Focuses on the scientific study of emotion including how and why people express emotions; how and why people experience emotion (with an emphasis both on physiology and cognition); the development of emotion; and the effect culture has on both the expression and experience of emotion. Students are introduced to a variety of research methods in the field including facial judgment tasks, psychophysiology, diary studies, and cross-cultural research methods. Prerequisite: PY 101. Fall or spring semester.
PY 370 Sports Psychology3
Exploration of the many facets of sports psychology from both a theoretical and practical standpoint. Topics include characteristics of successful athletes, motivation, regulating anxiety and stress, aggression, team cohesion, leadership styles, and coaching youth sports. Recommended that PY 101 be taken previously. Jan Term.
PY 376 Health Psychology3
The study of biological, psychological, and sociocultural perspectives influence an individual's overall health including; behavior change theory and application, coping and stress management, psychoneuroimmunology, the impact of personality and cognitive patterns, vision and goal development to facilitate health behavior change. Cross-listed: HS-376. Prerequisite: PY 101. Fall or spring offering.
PY 376H Psychological Trauma and Resilience3
Psychological Trauma and Resilience is an upper-division course designed to explore the nature of trauma and the various outcomes that suffering can produce. This course will first explore, at a micro level, the individual factors that can either hinder or facilitate emotional, psychological and spiritual growth before, during and after great suffering. Students will explore the various ways humans from a variety of cultures have interacted with suffering from Old Testament to current treatments for PTSD and research on hardiness and Post Traumatic Growth. We then survey the major conflicts the American Military has been involved in from the Civil War onward, comparing and contrasting, at a macro level, the variables that led to either increased resiliency and growth, or psychological degradation. Prerequisite: PY-358. Fall semester.
PY 377 The Nature of Trauma3
For Continuing Studies students only. This course is designed to explore the nature of trauma and its individual, familial, community, cultural, and global impacts. Starting with an in-depth exploration of trauma and its definition, this course will then explore trauma's prevalence in American society, how trauma reshapes both body and brain, and finally will explore various trauma recovery approaches and treatments.
PY 394 Research Assistantship1-3
PY 400 Senior Pre-Practicum1
Serves as preparation for Senior Practicum course. Topics include exploring student post-baccalaureate goals and interests, selecting a practicum site, and preparing for the practicum experience. Prerequisite: Senior psychology major or by instructor permission only. Fall semester.
PY 401W Senior Thesis3
Final learning/evaluation situation for psychology majors. Design and carry out independent research project. Seminar format. Prerequisite: PY 201 and PY 301. Fall semester.
PY 402 Senior Practicum3
Placement in community agency or organization. Applications of psychological concepts and analysis of individual experiences in a seminar format. Prerequisite: PY-400 and senior psychology major. By instructor permission only. Spring semester.
PY 475 Research Colloquium1-3
Gain firsthand experience of the process of researching, critiquing, and writing in a collaborative small-group format under the guidance of a psychology faculty member and their research. Prerequisite: PY 101 and senior psychology major. Selection by instructor. Periodic offering.
PY 499H Advanced Senior Thesis3
Students will refine their research question and hypothesis from their original senior research project, collect and analyze data, complete an empirical APA-style paper, and present their full findings. Prerequisite: PY 401W and approval of instructor. Spring semester.

Requirements for a Psychology Major, B.A. (46)

Introductory course
PY 101Introductory Psychology3
Complete three content courses:9
Developmental Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Personality and Individual Differences
Biological Psychology
Social Psychology
Methodology Courses:
PY 201Psychological Statistics *3
PY 301Research in Psychology3
Senior Capstone Courses
PY 400Senior Prepracticum1
PY 401WSenior Thesis3
PY 402Senior Practicum3
Complete three additional 300-level psychology courses (other than Directed Studies)9
Four additional upper- or lower-division psychology courses (no more than 3 of these 12 credits can come from Directed Studies)12

  Students may take MA 256 to fulfill this requirement

Requirements for a Psychology Minor (15)

PY 101Introductory Psychology3
Four additional psychology courses12
Dean of Arts & Sciences






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