Mathematics & Computer Science

The Whitworth Mathematics & Computer Science Department offers a solid foundation in mathematics, statistics, computer programming, data science, databases, networks and software engineering. Talented faculty members in the department's interdisciplinary programs help students learn to apply mathematics and computing skills in the fields of natural science, business and industry, and the social and behavioral sciences.

Believing that God wants all individuals to strive to reach their full potential, department faculty members challenge motivated students by providing them the opportunity to participate in activities that go beyond the traditional classroom experience. These involve state-of-the-art research and development, service-learning projects and teaching-assistant opportunities. Through theory, practice and the pursuit of knowledge, students develop the problem-solving skills that will help them succeed in their professions and in life. The learning outcomes of this major prepare the student to do the following:


  • Demonstrate an appropriate level of problem-solving skills using analytical reasoning.
  • Communicate mathematical ideas in writing.
  • Communicate mathematical ideas orally.
  • Demonstrate necessary skills for independent ongoing learning.
  • Understand the connections between the student's faith and/or worldview and the theory and practice of mathematics, ethical decision-making, and vocation.
  • Understand the role of abstraction in solving problems and proving theorems.
  • Work effectively on teams comprising individuals with different skills, habits and backgrounds.

Computer Science

  • Demonstrate an appropriate theoretical foundation for computer science.
  • Develop software-engineering proficiency.
  • Cultivate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
  • Reinforce interpersonal skills and effective teamwork.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in communication skills – written, verbal and presentation.
  • Gain an international perspective and the ability to work cross-culturally.
  • Understand the need for sound, ethical decision-making and the social and legal implications of those decisions. Consider how faith and/or worldview can inform one’s vocation and professional practices.
Computer Science Honors Program

The intent of the honors program is to provide motivated students with the social and academic activities necessary to foster their growth as individuals and their commitment to excellence and service to others. Students enrolled in the program must complete a major in computer science. To qualify for graduation as a Whitworth Computer Science Honors Program graduate, candidates must complete the following requirements by the end of their senior year. Each requirement will be documented in the student’s portfolio.

  • Apply for admission to the honors program after completing CS 172.
  • Maintain an overall cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above.
  • Complete the professional-learning requirement by fulfilling each of the following activities:
    • Join either the Association for Computing Machinery or the IEEE Computer Society.
    • Regularly attend ACM/IEEE Computer Society meetings.
    • Participate in the planning and presentation of a minimum of two ACM meetings.
    • Document meeting plans and presentations in the portfolio.
    • Participate in ACM/IEEE activities (social events, special-topics seminars, etc.).
  • Complete the service requirement by participating in at least one of the following areas:
    • As a teaching assistant for computer science courses
    • As a research assistant for a computer science faculty member
    • As a lab assistant for the general computing labs
    • As a technician for the Whitworth Computing Services Department
    • By participating in related service-learning projects
  • Complete in a satisfactory manner an internship and/or research assistantship.
  • Complete and defend a senior research project.
  • Complete one semester of CS 499W, Research Methods.

CS Courses

CS 125 Business Information Systems3
Introduction to business application software. Students will cover business application software concepts including Microsoft Excel, Access and very introductory macro programming for these applications. The course will start with advanced Excel topics, proceed to Access and finish with introductory macro programming concepts. Students will implement and present a business-related project using either Excel or Access. Fall and spring semesters.
CS 171 Computer Science I3
Introduction to problem-solving, abstraction and design using the C++ language. Special emphasis on development of algorithms and writing programs in a structured form. Recommended: MA 108 or higher. Fall and spring semesters.
CS 172 Computer Science II3
Problem-solving, abstraction and design using the C++ language. Special emphasis on pointer variables, recursion, and file handling. Introduction to data structures (including stacks, queues, linked lists, and binary trees), classes, and object-oriented programming. Prerequisite: CS 171 with a minimum grade of C-. Fall and spring semesters.
CS 178A Excel Basics1
For continuing studies students only. An introduction to the use of Excel for business students, this course prepares students to understand the basics of Microsoft Excel. This course uses case-based tutorials to engage students in applying skills to real-world situations, making concepts relevant. The course enhances critical thinking by using the program to solve problems and create reports. This course is a 1 credit weekend workshop.
CS 178B Excel Skill Building1
This workshop is for students whose proficiency in Microsoft Office includes fundamental Excel skills. Excel is the software tool that is essential in today's workforce and students will benefit from building deeper skills for this software product. This workshop is especially important for students who are seeking a career in business or administration and desire to learn specific functions, like pivot tables.
CS 250 Digital Humanities3
The contemporary world is a place full of complex problems, big data and beautiful things. This course challenges how we think about engaging with the technical elements of a digital age, while leveraging the craft of human connection and creative flourishing. In this course we will be exploring and engaging with a multidisciplinary lens of how people create, analyze, develop, visualize, process and exist in a highly connected and computer-enabled context. Students will be asked to pull their own experience and perspectives from the full breadth of Whitworth's academic and cocurricular areas. We will also be learning from experts in diverse fields about how they are applying digital tools to bear on novel and important projects. Fall Semester.
CS 251 Introduction to Data Science3
Project-based course that explores topics and methodologies of data science using R and Python. Prerequisite: CS 171 with a minimum grade of C-. Spring semester.
CS 270 Applications Development3
A foundation for developing software applications, including graphical user interfaces, event handling, exception handling, multithreading, and API programming, and more. Any programming language could be used in this development, including C#, Java, Rust, Flutter, and more. Prerequisite: CS 172. Jan Term.
CS 273 Data Structures3
An introduction to stacks, queues, recursion, linked lists, trees, graphs, sorting, and searching. Emphasis on algorithm analysis. Prerequisite: CS 172 with a minimum grade of C-. Fall and spring semesters.
CS 274 Ethical, Social & Legal Issues in Computer Science3
Students will research, discuss, and argue a variety of current ethical issues related to computer science. Students will also learn about the professional organizations' supporting computer scientists and understand each organization's code of ethics. Finally, students will understand how to be professionals in computer science. Prerequisite: CS 171. Fall and Spring semesters.
CS 278 Computer Organization and Assembler Programming3
Computer organization and the structure of digital computers. Work in MASM assembler language programming on a PC computer. Prerequisite: CS 172. Fall and spring semesters.
CS 294 Career and Vocation Seminar1
Students in this course will learn about different career and vocational paths related to mathematics and computer science and go about pursuing a specific path. Further, students will explore how their own faith and worldview can interact with their discipline through vocation discussions. Also listed as MA 294. Fall semester.
CS 301 Internet Applications Development3
An information technology course designed as an introduction to the tools and methods of Internet applications development. Special emphasis on Internet programming languages and the design of interactive WWW documents. Prerequisite: CS 171. Also listed as FVNS 301. Jan Term.
CS 313 Networks3
Fundamental concepts of computer network theory, topologies, architecture, and protocol layers. Provides a foundation in current networking technology for local area networks, wide area networks, and the Internet. Prerequisite: CS 273. Fall semester, odd years.
CS 314 Serving Humanity With Computing3
We, as technologists, are not called to merely create things, but we are called to make good things. This course challenges students to give attention to the outcomes of the technical work they do by developing, creating, maintaining, and working on Community Engaged Learning projects. In alignment with Whitworth's mission, this course puts direct practice to 'serve humanity.' A significant amount of work will be put into a single project that is intended to act as a resume-filling opportunity to gain important applied experience.
CS 315 Distributed Scalable Computing3
Introduction to concepts of distributed and parallel processing paradigms. Project development using a variety of programming technologies. Development in Windows and Linux Operating Systems. Prerequisite: CS 273. Fall semester, even years.
CS 320 Quality Assurance in Software Development3
Students in this course will cover techniques in testing computer software. Topics will include: History of software and testing, ad-hoc testing methods, test plans, formal testing methods, automation and testing tools, and security testing. Students will have a firm foundation in testing as well as improved skills as software developers. Prerequisite: CS 172. Fall semester, even years.
CS 333H Introduction to Programming Contests1
This course consists of research, practice, and preparation for the annual regional Pacific Northwest programming competition. This course aims to develop and improve personal techniques for solving difficult algorithmic problems under time pressure. To encourage students to give back to their professional communities in the future, they will each write a contest problem of their own design. Periodic offering.
CS 344 Human-Computer Interaction3
An introduction to the human-computer interaction (HCI). Students will learn definitions of HCI, the history of computer user interfaces, interaction models, and user-centered design and task-analysis. Students will also learn the principles and guidelines for implementing user interfaces using dialogs, voice input, and multi-modal interfaces. Fall semester, odd years.
CS 350W Applied Digital Humanities3
Each student will identify and work on a development project that merges their humanities-related interests with Computer Science. This course will guide students through the fun and exciting process of digging deep into both fields in order to uncover what others have discovered and apply these findings to their original and creative project. This will be followed up with experimentation and evaluation. The course guides students in a highly accessible way through the process of doing this research and implementation. This course is an opportunity for students to dig deep into both disciplines with the intention of developing and/or using appropriate computer-based tools in creative and useful ways to further academic knowledge within their chosen application field. Students are encouraged to fully engage with both disciplines while embarking on this journey.
CS 355 Introduction to Bioinformatics3
This is an interdisciplinary course that integrates molecular biology, biophysics, statistics and computer science. The course provides an introduction to the computational tools, techniques and algorithms that are used by biologists, geneticists and computational chemists to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental processes that govern biological organisms. Recommended: CS 172. Spring semester, odd years.
CS 357 Computer Graphics3
Hands-on experience with state-of-the-art computer graphics rendering and display techniques. Emphasis on texture mapping, ray tracing, and 2-D and 3-D object manipulation and animation. Prerequisite: CS 273. MA 330 highly recommended. Also listed as EP 357. Spring semester, odd years.
CS 359 Introduction to Technology & Culture: Study Abroad Program Preparation1
Required for those students taking part in CS 360: Technology & Culture: Study Abroad Program in Jan Term. In addition to preparing students to experience a foreign culture, this course studies technology from global, economic, religious, gender and intercultural viewpoints. The course serves to build community among the program participants and prepares them for international travel, intercultural sensitivity, and cross-cultural experiences. Taken in preparation for CS 360. Permission of instructor. Fall semester, odd years.
CS 360 Technology & Culture: Study Abroad Program3
A Jan Term study program focusing on the interactions between technology and culture. Students will broaden their cross-cultural understanding by exploring the role of technology in another culture as well as the influence the culture has had on technology. Students will participate in university exchanges, visit vital industries, travel to important historical cultural sites, attend different churches, and engage in other rich cross-cultural experiences such as service projects. Prerequisite: CS 359. Destination country varies, e.g. Ireland/Britain, India, etc. Jan Term, even years.
CS 363 Algorithms and Complexity3
In the course students will work to develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to research, analyze, design, and develop advanced algorithmic solutions that can deal with the complexity of real-world problems. A diversity of disciplines benefit from algorithms that computer scientists discover and develop. This course focuses on advanced algorithmic techniques used in solving a wide range of problems with far-reaching applications. The course starts by outlining the mathematical techniques needed to analyze algorithms, it then moves on to a survey of important algorithms for dealing with complexity. Students gain practical experience applying data structures to these problems. Students end the course by developing and applying these techniques to a real-world problem.
CS 370 Programming Languages3
Concepts and paradigms of programming languages. Topics include: history of programming languages, language-design principles, syntax, semantics, data types, control structures, object-oriented languages, functional programming, logical programming, and parallel programming. Includes laboratory experience in comparing paradigms and behaviors of different languages. Prerequisite: CS 273. Fall semester, odd years.
CS 371 Windows Applications Development3
A foundation for developing conventional Windows applications using object-oriented and component-based programming techniques. Topics include component-based development, network applications, graphical user interface components, exception handling, and components for web applications. Prerequisite: CS 273. Jan Term, even years.
CS 372 Java Applications Development3
A foundation for developing conventional applications in the object-oriented Java programming language. Topics include Java programming constructs, multithreading, graphical user interface components, exception handling, and Java networking. Prerequisite: CS 172. Jan Term, odd years.
CS 373 Digital Logic Design3
Combinatorial and sequential logic circuit design and analysis. Hands-on experience with modern design tools, hardware description languages (e.g. VHDL), and FPGA devices. Topics include number systems, minimization, multiplexers, decoders, encoders, code converters, comparators parity, circuits, and shifters. Recommended: MA 278 and PS 153. Fall semester.
CS 374 Database Management3
Comprehensive introduction to design and development of databases and database applications. Combined approach of relational database theory and application development using popular database management systems. May also include current trends such as XML databases, data warehousing, and web interfaces. Prerequisite: CS 273. Fall and spring semester.
CS 375 Mobile Application Development3
A foundational approach to developing applications for smart mobile devices, including smart phones and tablets. Students will learn what standard conventions are currently used (e.g. UI design principles) and how to address limitations of developing for mobile devices. Prerequisite: CS 172. Spring semester, even years.
CS 376 Technology Management3
The course examines theory and practice in management of information technology and software projects in internationally competitive organizations. Study includes leadership of cross-functional personnel and international teams, innovative strategies in technical "cultures", analysis of organizational structures, project marketing, quality assurance, and general project management. Prerequisite: CS 125 or CS 171. Fall semester, even years.
CS 378H How to Make Darn-Near Anything3
Have you ever had a great idea for a product? Have you ever wanted to be part of a startup technology? Students in this course learn the steps and skills needed to design, build, and market a new product based on their own interests. Topics include programming skills, user experience design, testing, marketing, and product promotion. Spring semester, odd years
CS 379 Hacking and Cybersecurity3
Introduction into the dynamic and critical study of computer security. This course engages students directly with the field utilizing hands-on penetration testing (pen test, white hat hacking, red teaming), discussion of contemporary vulnerabilities and best practices, studies of past bad actors, viruses and exploitations, as well as taking a step back and considering the complicated ethical space of cybersecurity. Prerequisite: CS 273. Spring semester, even years.
CS 385 Computational Hardware3
Our current world relies heavily on microprocessors, they are built into the multitude of appliances and devices that we use daily. Competent computer scientists must understand how these devices work in order to understand the implications to society of the correct operation of these devices. This course covers the fundamentals of binary arithmetic, assembly language programming, and the programming of input/output devices. Emphasis placed on understanding how assembly instructions support higher level languages and operating systems. Other topics may include security and efficiency of operation.
CS 390 Internship1-6
CS 401 Computer Architecture3
Digital computer system design and analysis. Topics include: synchronous/asynchronous sequential machines, parallel structures, pipelining, and input/output. Includes laboratory experience in microprocessor design and architecture. Prerequisite: CS 373. Recommended: CS 278. Spring semester.
CS 454 Computer Science Methods2
Introduction to computer science curriculum, instruction, and assessment in the P-12 classroom. Development of lessons and unit plans based on best-practice research and ITSE Standards for Computer Science. Periodic Offering.
CS 457 Artificial Intelligence3
Introduction to artificial intelligence concepts. Foundational theory includes intelligent agents, search, first-order logic, knowledge representation, planning, probabilistic reasoning, and genetic programming. Projects and programming of robotics as autonomous agents. Prerequisite: CS 273. Spring semester, even years.
CS 459 Managing Technology3
For continuing studies students only. Examines information and skills needed by managers to make effective and informed decisions in regard to technological issues. Components will include technological literacy and innovations, as well as strategic technology management.
CS 470 Software Engineering Vocation3
Preparation course for CS 472, Software Engineering. The student will learn material to prepare them for developing a complex software system, including working with clients and in teams, software engineering tools, and software engineering methodologies. Guest speakers from the software industry will present in class about their careers to give students a variety of perspectives on how to deliver software successfully.
CS 471 Software Engineering Seminar1
Software Engineering Seminar covers material designed to prepare students for CS472, Software Engineering. Students will learn techniques and skills to help them succeed in designing and building a project in a team setting for a real client, including Agile Development practices, Software Engineering tools, and professionalism. Students will also hear from multiple guest speakers from the software industry. Fall semester.
CS 472 Software Engineering3
Designed as an intensive, project-oriented, senior capstone course. Topics include software system analysis and design, software project management and life cycle, software tools, documentation, and maintenance. Prerequisites: CS 273 and CS 374. Senior class standing. Spring semester.
CS 473 Advanced Algorithm Design and Analysis3
Advanced study of the design and analysis of algorithms. Topics include advanced complexity analysis, advanced recursive algorithms, graph theory algorithms, optimization problems, algorithms related to number theory, and other contemporary topics. Analysis of problems associated with searching and sorting. Prerequisites: CS 273 and MA 278. Fall semester.
CS 474W Advanced Systems Theories3
This course provides an introductory foundation for understanding advanced system theory. A mixture of theory and application provide the background for understanding how the operating system serves as the layer interfacing between application software and computer hardware. Theoretical concepts of OS are essential for a computer scientist, bridging gaps of your CS undergraduate education. The course also includes strengthening of Linux environment navigation.
CS 475W Operating Systems3
Introduction to the theory of basic operating systems. Includes memory management, scheduling, resource management, synchronization, process and thread management, security, and concurrent processes. Prerequisites: CS 273 and CS 278. Spring semester.
CS 496 Research Assistantship1-3
Opportunity to work closely with a professor on a research project. Prerequisite: CS 273. Periodic offering.
CS 499W Research Methods3
Examination of research methods and a foundation for the Computer Science research program. An opportunity to challenge the advanced and motivated student. Includes readings, dissemination methods research projects in current topics, and working closely with faculty in a mentoring relationship. Prerequisite: CS 172 or instructor permission. Periodic offering.

MA Courses

MA 107 Math for Liberal Arts3
Mathematics for the liberal arts student. An introduction to contemporary mathematics and its role in society. Current and past applications of mathematics in the real world will be examined. Topics may include management science, coding information, geometric applications, and statistics. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 108 Finite Mathematics for Social Sciences3
A study of mathematical applications to business, economics, social sciences, and personal finance. Topics include mathematics of finance, systems of linear equations, matrices and linear programming. TI 84 calculator required. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 130 College Algebra3
Focus on building a foundation in algebra before precalculus. Emphasis on solving various types of equations and inequalities, and understanding polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions and their graphs. May also included systems of equations and inequalities in two variables. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 150 Pre-Calculus4
Preparation for the calculus sequence. Solving systems of equations, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, and equations with applications in the social and natural sciences. Prerequisite: MA 130 with a minimum grade of C-. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 158 Calculus for Social Sciences3
Limits, rates of change, differentiation, graphing and optimization, integration, and business applications. Prerequisite: MA 108. Periodic Offering.
MA 171 Calculus I4
Functions, limits, and differentiation. Emphasis on solving problems numerically and graphically, as well as algebraically. Prerequisite of MA 150 with a minimum grade of C-. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 172 Calculus II4
Integration, applications of integration, techniques of integration, and infinite series. Prerequisite: MA 171 with a minimum grade of C-. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 220 Structure of Elementary Mathematics3
For continuing studies students only. This course is designed for the prospective elementary or middle school teacher. It focuses on development of number systems, vocabulary, and symbolism in the present-day use of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and statistics.
MA 221 Math for Elementary School Teachers I3
For the prospective elementary teacher, includes an introduction to problem solving, set operations and their application to arithmetic, numeration systems, arithmetic, algebra, and number theory as related to elementary school mathematics curriculum. Does not apply toward the math general education requirement except for candidates for elementary teaching certificates. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 222 Math for Elementary School Teachers II3
Course designed for future elementary school teachers. Covers topics of probability, descriptive statistics, geometry, measurement, and motion geometry. Does not apply toward the math general education requirement except for candidates for elementary teaching certificates. Prerequisite: MA 221. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 256 Elementary Probability and Statistics3
Descriptive statistics, probability, probability distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation, and regression. TI 84 calculator required. Fall and spring semesters, and Jan Term.
MA 256H Honors Elementary Probability and Stats3
Using explorative data analysis and R to understand data using descriptive statistics, probability, probability distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation, and regression. Jan Term.
MA 273 Calculus III4
Multivariable calculus, including partial differentiation, vector analysis, and multiple integrals. Prerequisite: MA 172 with a minimum grade of C-. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 278 Discrete Mathematics3
A study of the foundations of mathematics (including sets, logic, proof writing, relations, and functions), algorithms, combinatorics, and graph theory. Focus will be on developing logic and problem-solving skills involved in higher mathematics. Prerequisite: MA 171. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 281 Differential Equations3
A study of ordinary differential equations and their use in mathematical models in the physical, biological and social sciences, and in economics. Covers analytic and numerical solution techniques. Prerequisite: MA 172. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 294 Career and Vocation Seminar1
Students in this course will learn about different career and vocational paths related to mathematics and computer science and go about pursuing a specific path. Further, students will explore how their own faith and worldview can interact with their discipline through vocation discussions. Also listed as CS 294. Fall semester.
MA 306H Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos3
Analytical and numerical analysis of nonlinear systems of difference equations and differential equations. Analysis of these systems using bifurcations and phase planes. Understanding chaotic systems in discrete and continuous systems. Prerequisite: MA 281. Fall semester, odd years.
MA 317 Complex Variables3
Introduction to complex numbers, analytic and elementary functions, and integration, series, residues and poles, and conformal mapping. Prerequisite: MA 273. MA 278 can also be taken as co-requisite. Spring semester, odd years.
MA 328 Math History Study Abroad Prep1
Required preparatory course for students planning on participating in the Jan term Math History Study Abroad Program. Includes background reading in the history of mathematics, information on specific sites visited while abroad, research for presentation to be given on site in Europe. Prerequisite: MA 172. Fall semester, even years.
MA 329 Math History3
Study of the historical and cultural contexts of mathematics through readings, film and site visits in Europe. Prerequisite: MA 172 and MA 328. Jan Term, odd years.
MA 330 Linear Algebra3
Vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, determinants, Euclidean spaces, systems of equations, and eigenvalues. Prerequisites: MA 172 and a minimum grade of C- in either MA 278 or MA 281. Fall and spring semesters.
MA 350 Numerical Analysis3
Elementary discussion of errors, polynomial interpolation, quadrature, linear systems of equations, solutions of non-linear equations. Numerical differentiation, integration, solutions to differential equations. Prerequisites: MA 273, MA 330, and CS 172. MA 278 strongly recommended. Spring semester, even years.
MA 355 Mathematical Modeling with Biological Application3
Explore the modeling process using various mathematical methods which may include topics such as differential and difference equations, nonlinear analysis, bifurcation theory, statistical models, and dimensional analysis. Possible areas of application may include population dynamics, neuroscience, epidemiology, cardiac dynamics, cellular dynamics, and selected special topics. We will explore connections of biological models to the fields of physics, economics, and chemistry among others. Prerequisite: MA 281. Fall semester, even years.
MA 357 Mathematical Statistics I3
A theoretical study of probability, random variables, their distributions and characteristics of distributions. TI 84 calculator required. Prerequisites: MA 273, and a minimum grade of C- in MA 278. Fall semester.
MA 358W Mathematical Statistics II3
A theoretical study of confidence intervals and estimators, test of hypothesis, ANOVA, regression and correlation, and non-parametric methods. TI 84 calculator required. Prerequisite: MA 357. Spring semester, even years.
MA 360 Number Theory3
Divisibility, congruence, prime numbers, Diophantine equations, quadratic reciprocity, and number theoretic functions. Emphasis on mathematics education and problem-solving. Prerequisites: MA 172 and a minimum grade of C- in MA 278. Periodic offering.
MA 362 Cryptography3
This course will provide an overview of the mathematical and historical concepts related to cryptography. Students will explore the theoretical foundations of both classical and modern cryptographic systems, as well as relevant topics in number theory. Both the making and breaking of these systems will be covered. Prerequisite: MA 278 with a minimum grade of C-. Jan Term, odd years.
MA 365 Geometry3
A development of Euclidean geometry with attention paid to axiomatic systems. Consideration of transformational geometry and non-Euclidean geometries. Required for high school mathematics teachers. Prerequisites: MA 171 and a minimum grade of C- in MA 278. Fall semester, even years.
MA 390 Internship1-4
MA 410 Abstract Algebra I3
Study of group theory, including cyclic groups, isomorphisms, permutation groups and applications. Emphasis on theory and proof. Prerequisites: MA 172 and a minimum grade of C- in MA 278. Fall semester, odd years.
MA 411 Abstract Algebra II3
Rings, integral domains, homomorphisms, and fields. Emphasis on theory and proof. Prerequisite: MA 410. Spring semester, even years.
MA 430 Graph Theory & Combinatorics3
Study of paths and circuits, trees, planarity and duality, coloring of graphs, digraphs and networks, permutations and combinations, multinomial theorem, generating functions, principle of inclusion and exclusion, and recurrence relations. Prerequisites: MA 172 and a minimum grade of C- in MA 278. Also listed as MA 430W. Spring semester.
MA 430W Graph Theory and Combinatorics3
Study of paths and circuits, trees, planarity and duality, coloring of graphs, digraphs and networks, permutations and combinations, multinomial theorem, generating functions, principle of inclusion and exclusion, and recurrence relations. Prerequisites: MA 172 and a minimum grade of C- in MA 278. Spring semester.
MA 440 Real Analysis I3
Sets and functions, properties of the real numbers, completeness axiom, elements of point-set topology, and sequences. Prerequisites: MA 273 and a minimum grade of C- in MA 278. Fall semester, even years.
MA 441 Real Analysis II3
Limits of functions, continuity, differentiation, Riemann integration, and infinite series of numbers and functions. Prerequisite: MA 440. Spring semester, odd years.
MA 490 Internship1-6
MA 496 Research Assistant1-3
Opportunity to work closely with a professor on a research project. Periodic offering.
MA 499W Research Methods3
Examination of research methods and a foundation for the Mathematics or Mathematics education research program. An opportunity to challenge the advanced and motivated student. Includes readings, dissemination methods research projects in current topics, and working closely with faculty in a mentoring relationship. Prerequisite: CS 172 or instructor permission. Also listed as CS 499W. Periodic offering.

Requirements for a Mathematics - General Major, B.A. (42-44)

MA 171Calculus I4
MA 172Calculus II4
MA 273Calculus III4
MA 278Discrete Mathematics3
MA 330Linear Algebra3
CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
or CS 251 Introduction to Data Science
MA 256Elementary Probability and Statistics3
Two of the following:6
Complex Variables
Mathematical Statistics I
Abstract Algebra I
Graph Theory and Combinatorics
or MA 430
Graph Theory & Combinatorics
Real Analysis I
Three of the following not chosen above:9-11
Differential Equations
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
Math History Study Abroad Prep
and Math History
Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling with Biological Applications
Mathematical Statistics I
Mathematical Statistics II
Number Theory
Abstract Algebra I
Abstract Algebra II
Real Analysis I
Real Analysis II
Research Methods
Advanced Algorithm Design and Analysis
Mathematical Methods I
and Mathematical Methods II
MA 396 courses may apply toward this requirement. See advisor for details.
Complete one writing-intensive course.

Requirements for a Mathematics - Education Major, B.A. (42-43)

MA 171Calculus I4
MA 172Calculus II4
MA 273Calculus III4
MA 278Discrete Mathematics3
MA 330Linear Algebra3
CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
or CS 251 Introduction to Data Science
MA 256Elementary Probability and Statistics3
MA 365Geometry3
One of the following:3
Mathematical Statistics I
Abstract Algebra I
Real Analysis I
Three of the following not chosen above:9-10
Differential Equations
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
Complex Variables
Math History Study Abroad Prep
and Math History
Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling with Biological Applications
Mathematical Statistics I
Mathematical Statistics II
Number Theory
Abstract Algebra I
Abstract Algebra II
Graph Theory and Combinatorics
or MA 430
Graph Theory & Combinatorics
Real Analysis I
Real Analysis II
MA 396 courses may apply toward this requirement. See advisor for details.
Complete one writing-intensive course.

Requirements for a Mathematics Major, B.S. (55-57)

MA 171Calculus I4
MA 172Calculus II4
MA 273Calculus III4
MA 278Discrete Mathematics3
MA 330Linear Algebra3
CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
or CS 251 Introduction to Data Science
Other coursework:
MA 281Differential Equations3
MA 294Career and Vocation Seminar1
Three of the following:9
Abstract Algebra I
Abstract Algebra II
Real Analysis I
Real Analysis II
Six of the following not chosen above:18-20
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
Complex Variables
Math History Study Abroad Prep
and Math History
Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling with Biological Applications
Mathematical Statistics I
Mathematical Statistics II
Number Theory
Abstract Algebra I
Abstract Algebra II
Graph Theory and Combinatorics
or MA 430
Graph Theory & Combinatorics
Real Analysis I
Real Analysis II
Research Methods
Mathematical Methods I
and Mathematical Methods II
Complete one writing-intensive course.

Core Courses in Applied Mathematics (31)

Required for all Applied Mathematics Majors, B.S.
MA 171Calculus I4
MA 172Calculus II4
MA 273Calculus III4
MA 278Discrete Mathematics3
MA 281Differential Equations3
MA 294Career and Vocation Seminar1
MA 330Linear Algebra3
MA 355Mathematical Modeling with Biological Applications3
MA 357Mathematical Statistics I3
MA 358WMathematical Statistics II3

Requirements for an Applied Mathematics, General Track, B.S. (58)

Core Courses in Mathematics31
CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
or CS 251 Introduction to Data Science
MA 306HNonlinear Dynamics and Chaos3
MA 317Complex Variables3
MA 350Numerical Analysis3
EN 356Mathematical Methods I2
EN 358Mathematical Methods II2
PS 151General Physics I3
PS 151LGeneral Physics I Lab1
PS 153General Physics II3
One of the following:
PS 153LGeneral Physics II Lab1
or PS 154L Near Space Research Project
MA 440Real Analysis I3
MA 441Real Analysis II3

Requirements for an Applied Mathematics, Data Science Track, B.S. (58-59)

Core Courses in Mathematics31
CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
CS 251Introduction to Data Science3
CS 273Data Structures3
CS 274Ethic, Soc & Leg Issues in CS3
CS 374Database Management3
CS 457Artificial Intelligence3
One of the following:3-4
Software Engineering Seminar
and Software Engineering
Research Methods
One of the following:3
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Advanced Algorithm Design and Analysis

Requirements for an Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Economics Track, B.S (58)

Core Courses in Mathematics31
CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
or CS 251 Introduction to Data Science
EC 210Principles of Microeconomics3
EC 211Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 320Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis3
EC 321Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis3
EC 402Econometrics3
Six credits from the following:6
Upper division economics courses
or MA 490

Requirements for an Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Finance Track, B.S. (58)

Core Courses in Mathematics31
CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
or CS 251 Introduction to Data Science
BU 230Financial Accounting and Analysis3
BU 231Managerial Accounting3
BU 357Financial Management3
BU 377Financial Statement Analysis3
BU 467Advanced International Corporate Finance3
BU 477FORAD: Multi-National Finance3
One of the following:3
Financial Institutions & Markets
or MA 490
See your advisor regarding prerequisites

Requirements for a Computer Science Major, B.S. (64)

CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
CS 273Data Structures3
CS 274Ethic, Soc & Leg Issues in CS3
CS 270Applications Development3
CS 314,Serving Humanity with Computing3
CS 363Algorithms and Complexity3
CS 385Computational Hardware3
CS 470Software Engineering Vocation3
CS 472Software Engineering3
CS 474WAdvanced Systems Theories3
MA 171Calculus I4
MA 172Calculus II4
MA 278Discrete Mathematics3
Any one 200 level Comp Sci elective3
Any two 300 level Comp Sci electives6
Any one 300 or 400 level Math elective3
One science series, either Biology (BI-140 & BI-143 + labs), Chemistry (CH-161 & CH-181 + labs), or Physics (PS-151 & PS-153 + labs)8

Requirements for Interdisciplinary Computer Science Major, B.A. (48)

CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
CS 250Digital Humanities3
CS 270Applications Development3
CS 274Ethic, Soc & Leg Issues in CS3
CS 314,Serving Humanity with Computing3
CS 350WApplied Digital Humanities3
CS 470Software Engineering Vocation3
CS 472Software Engineering3
Take one 200-level computer science elective3
Take two 300-level computer science electives6
Take one Structured Thinking course:3
Discrete Mathematics
Symbolic Logic
Complete 9 upper division credits outside Computer Science, Mathematics, Core, independent study, and teaching assistantships9
Submit a program plan in consultation with a Computer Science advisor and another academic area advisor

Requirements for a Bioinformatics Major, B.S. (68-69)

CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
CS 273Data Structures3
CS 355Introduction to Bioinformatics3
CS 374Database Management3
CS 471Software Engineering Seminar1
CS 472Software Engineering3
CS 473Advanced Algorithm Design and Analysis3
MA 171Calculus I4
MA 172Calculus II4
MA 256Elementary Probability and Statistics3
MA 278Discrete Mathematics3
BI 140
General Biology I: Genes, Cells and Evolution
and General Biology I: Genes, Cells and Evolution Lab
BI 143
General Biology II: Ecology and Evolution
and Ecology and Evolution Lab
CH 161General Chemistry I3
CH 181General Chemistry II3
CH 271Organic Chemistry I3
CH 278Organic Chemistry II3
Choose one of the following:3-4
and Lab: Genetics
Molecular Genetics
and Molecular Genetics Lab
Introduction to Genomics
Choose two of the following:6
Differential Equations
Mathematical Modeling with Biological Applications
Mathematical Statistics I
Graph Theory and Combinatorics
or MA 430
Graph Theory & Combinatorics
Note: MA 281 is a prerequisite for MA 355
Choose one of the following:3
Biochemistry I
General Biochemistry
Recommended Chemistry Courses
General Chemistry I Lab
General Chemistry II Lab
Organic Chemistry I Lab
Organic Chemistry II Lab
Biochemistry I Lab
Recommended Physics Courses
General Physics I
General Physics I Lab
General Physics II
General Physics II Lab
Near Space Research Project
Complete one writing-intensive course.

Requirements for a Human-Computer Interaction Major, B.A. (53-55)

Required Computer Science courses21
Computer Science I
Computer Science II
Ethic, Soc & Leg Issues in CS
Human-Computer Interaction
Computer Science Electives
Choose 3 of the following:9
Data Structures
Internet Applications Development
Quality Assurance in Software Development
Windows Applications Development
Java Applications Development
Technology Management
NOTE: With a CS advisor's approval, other CS 396 courses may also count as electives
Recommended to take one or more of the following:
Computer Graphics
Math/CS Study Program Abroad
Art Requirements18
Drawing I
Adobe Creative Suite and Indesign
Design Fundamentals
Typography I
Graphic Design I
Web Design I
Art Electives
Choose 2 of the following:6
Painting I
Introduction to Time-Based Art Making
Digital Photography I
Writing Intensive Requirement
Choose one of the following:3
Professional Practice for Artists and Designers
Operating Systems
Research Methods
Internship Requirement
Choose one of the following:1
Senior Capstone Project Requirement
Choose one of the following:3-6
Software Engineering Vocation
and Software Engineering
Senior Exhibition Project

Requirements for a Mathematics Minor (21)

MA 171Calculus I4
MA 172Calculus II4
MA 273Calculus III4
MA 278Discrete Mathematics3
MA 330Linear Algebra3
One of the following:3
Elementary Probability and Statistics
Differential Equations

Requirements for an Applied Mathematics Minor (21-22)

MA 171Calculus I4
MA 172Calculus II4
MA 273Calculus III4
MA 281Differential Equations3
Two of the following:6-7
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
Complex Variables
Linear Algebra
Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling with Biological Applications
Mathematical Statistics I
Mathematical Statistics II
Introduction to Data Science
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Mathematical Methods I
and Mathematical Methods II

Requirements for a Mathematics Education Minor (22)

(meets endorsement requirements)
This minor can be completed only by students receiving education certification.
All endorsements subject to change; see School of Education for updated requirements.
MA 171Calculus I4
MA 172Calculus II4
MA 256Elementary Probability and Statistics3
MA 278Discrete Mathematics3
MA 330Linear Algebra3
MA 365Geometry3
One of the following:2
Mathematics: Elementary / Middle School Methods (K-9)
Mathematics in Secondary School

Note: Students pursuing elementary certification will also take MA 221.

Requirements for a Computer Science Minor (18)

CS 171Computer Science I3
CS 172Computer Science II3
Two 200 level Computer Science courses6
Two 300 or 400 level Computer Science courses6
NOTE: A maximum of 3 credits total of Computer Science Independent Study, Teaching Assistantship, or Internship can be applied to this minor if approved in advance by the CS department.

Requirements for a Communication & Technology Minor (21)

Foundation: Take both courses6
Writing for Mass Media
Writing for Digital Media
Computer Science I
Six credits of Computer Science courses, 200 level or higher
Six credits of Communication Studies courses, 200 level or higher
Capstone: Choose one of the following3
Media Innovation
Digital Humanities
Dean of Arts & Sciences






Associate professors


Assistant professors

