Student Life and Services

Taking seriously the vision of George Whitworth to provide “an education of mind and heart,” the Whitworth Student Life Division participates in the educational mission of the university by viewing all aspects of life on campus as a laboratory for learning. We continue this tradition because we believe that this commitment to building character and cognitive skills reflects scriptural principles and community values; we also believe that this “whole person” approach to learning is educationally effective.

The student life division offers numerous services designed to support learning in all areas of life. Health and counseling center programs are available, as are career/life-advising services and support networks for students from around the world and for multicultural students who represent diverse U.S. ethnic backgrounds. In addition, a vibrant student-activities program is offered to enhance learning, to encourage fun and to help each student build connections within the Whitworth community.

Campus Ministry 

Whitworth enthusiastically embraces its call to equip students to honor God, follow Christ and serve humanity. Campus ministry programs and activities provide opportunities for every student at Whitworth to draw closer to Jesus. It is the special responsibility of the Whitworth Campus Ministry Office to provide occasions for worship, personal growth, mission, service and the building of Christian community. Each semester, a student-leadership team of campus ministry coordinators is trained and equipped to implement a ministry approach within each residence-hall community. Campus ministry also designs two weekly community worship services with student-led worship teams. The student-led Hosanna is a Tuesday evening gathering for worship through music, Scripture, reflection and prayer, and the student-led Awake meets on Wednesday evenings to connect in community, hear from speakers and learn about walking with Jesus as a college student. Campus ministry staff members also provide pastoral counseling and encouragement through one-on-one relationships. These are some of the many opportunities offered to the Whitworth community to encourage a growing commitment to Christ. They are open to all students.

Campus Housing

Life in any of Whitworth University's residence halls will help you discover new ways to explore and apply what you have learned in the classroom. You will interact with students from other cultures, participate in a variety of activities and events, and make lasting friendships. All students are required to live on campus if it has been less than two years since their high school graduation.

Educational Support Program

Whitworth University is committed to delivering a mission-driven educational program that cultivates in students the capacity to engage effectively across the many dimensions of diversity. Whitworth is committed to the fair and equal treatment of all students in its educational programs and activities. The university does not discriminate against students based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability; it complies with all applicable federal and state non-discrimination laws in its instructional programs.

If you have a documented condition that affects your learning or performance in the campus environment, contact the Whitworth Educational Support Services Office (Katie McCray, x3380; to identify appropriate accommodations.

Students who have concerns about how they have been treated should contact the associate provost in the academic affairs office.

Whitworth is committed to providing equal opportunities to all academically qualified students. Resources are available to assist with learning and physical disabilities. Our policy is to ensure all students reasonable accommodation in the admissions process and in their programs of study and activities.

Academic requirements may be modified as necessary to ensure that Whitworth does not discriminate against students with disabilities, as long as accreditation of classes will not be at risk. These modifications will not affect the substance of the educational programs; nor will they compromise educational standards. Also, they will not intrude upon legitimate academic freedom. Modifications may include changes in the amount of time permitted for the completion of degree requirements, substitution of specific courses and other adaptations as needed.

Appropriate documentation of all disabilities is required for services to be rendered. It is the responsibility of each student to request accommodation or auxiliary aids at least eight weeks before classes, programs or activities begin.

Reasonable accommodations and auxiliary educational services that are not precluded by undue hardship to the institution may be requested through the Whitworth Educational Support Office. The use of tape recorders, Braillers, guide dogs or other adaptive devices in the classrooms or campus buildings is permitted. Auxiliary services may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Referral to appropriate on- or off-campus resources, services or agencies
  • Note-taking services
  • Academic and tutorial services
  • Testing accommodations
  • Arrangements for special auxiliary aids, including taped texts, large-print materials and/or interpreters
  • Disability parking

Student Success

College is full of challenges, and these challenges are what make college such a powerful time of growth. Sometimes our challenges pile up, and it’s difficult to keep track of our big-picture goals in light of the small but urgent things demanding our attention.

That’s why Whitworth Student Success exists. With competent staff and peer success coaches, we’ll help you take on the challenges that keep you from pursuing your dreams. We’ll help you solve problems like managing your time, studying more efficiently, and getting answers to your questions about how to make the college experience work for you. Don’t let the little stuff keep you from the big stuff. Visit the Student Success Center today in Hixson Union Building Room 242 on the second floor, or email us at

Associated Students of Whitworth University

Associated Students of Whitworth University is the university’s student governance and programming component. All full-time undergraduate students are members of ASWU. Elected leaders represent students from each living area and from off campus by providing information to and obtaining information from students about all university policies and about curricular and extracurricular programming. ASWU student leaders provide a vital communication link between students and Whitworth's faculty, staff and administration.


Whitworth Athletics is affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) at the Division III level, and is a member of the Northwest Conference (NWC). Whitworth offers 21 varsity sports. Women’s sports include volleyball, tennis, soccer, softball, cross country, indoor/outdoor track & field, basketball, swimming, golf and lacrosse. Men can participate in football, tennis, soccer, baseball, cross country, indoor/outdoor track & field, basketball, swimming and golf. Whitworth also offers a strong intramurals program, which is available to the entire student body.

A commitment to excellence is the hallmark of Whitworth Athletics. In the last 20 years, more than 100 Whitworth student-athletes have received All America recognition and more than 80 Whitworth student-athletes have been named Academic All-Americans.

Recent Pirate teams have achieved the highest average GPA in NCAA Division III for their respective sports on numerous occasions, and, since 2005, more than 80 teams have captured Northwest Conference championships. During that same period, the Pirates have dominated the Northwest Conference, winning 12 consecutive McIlroy-Lewis All-Sport Trophies from 2008 through 2019 and 13 overall. This honor, awarded to the top school in the NWC based on the final standings in each of the conference’s 22 sports, is a strong indicator of Whitworth’s exceptional athletics program. 

Whitworth’s student-athletes are encouraged to participate fully in the academic, spiritual and social life of the campus, and Whitworth's coaches are chosen for their effectiveness as teachers and mentors as well as for their knowledge and ability in athletics. We at Whitworth take great pride in the accomplishments of our student-athletes, and we strive to equip them to excel in sports, in academics and in life.

Center for Career & Professional Development/Student Employment

The Whitworth Center for Career & Professional Development assists students in the identification of their unique talents and gifts, in the exploration of vocational interests, and in their preparation for entry into the workforce. The career center staff offers students access to computerized interest inventories, major-choice workshops, career-related seminars, internships, employment/job fairs and individualized career counseling. Extensive internet and library resources are available for research in majors, career aptitude, employers, job-search strategies and graduate/professional schools. The student-employment office assists Whitworth students in securing part-time employment that will help them meet their expenses. Student job postings are available in the student employment office or at Internship postings are also listed on this site.

Behavior Policies

Sexual Misconduct & Title IX

Whitworth University has a clearly defined policy, which applies to all campus constituencies, prohibiting all forms of sexual harassment. Because Whitworth University is committed to providing an environment that is free from any form of harassment and discrimination, every member of the university community must recognize that harassment and discrimination of any type compromises the integrity of the university’s mission.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) (34.C.F.R. Part 103) prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs operated by institutions that receive federal financial assistance. Programs and activities that may be included are admissions, recruitment, financial aid, academic programs, athletics, housing and employment.

For the purposes of this policy, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic advancement; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions or academic decisions affecting such individuals; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance or creates a demoralizing, intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or academic environment.

Sexual harassment of students is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX and includes acts of sexual violence. Both male and female students are protected from sexual harassment and/or violence in all educational programs and activities operated by Whitworth University.

Students who believe that they have been discriminated against based on their sex or who have been subjected to sexual harassment and/or assault should consult one of the university's Title IX coordinators.

The Title IX coordinators are responsible for coordinating the university's compliance with and responsibilities under Title IX. Major duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
•    Being available to meet with students who believe sexual harassment or assault has occurred
•    Ensuring that complaints are handled in accordance with established practices and standards
•    Personal investigation of the incident or oversight of that investigation

Students who believe that they have been subjected to sexual harassment, including sexual assault, sexual violence or other sexual misconduct, and those who have experienced any other form of gender discrimination prohibited by Title IX should freely and without fear of retaliation report such misconduct or file a complaint under Title IX with the following Whitworth administrator or online:

Rhosetta Rhodes 
Title IX Coordinator/Administrator
Hixson Union Building 253
Tel: 509.777.4536

Classroom Behavior

Students and faculty are expected to demonstrate civility, understanding and mutual respect. The faculty handbook states that faculty should “demonstrate respect for students as individuals and adhere to their proper role as intellectual guides and counselors.” By the same token, students should demonstrate respect for faculty and student peers in all academic settings and should contribute positively to the learning environment.

Disruptive classroom behavior will not be tolerated. Disruptive behavior may include, but is not limited to, threatening or abusive language or behavior, making unreasonable demands on faculty for time and attention, erratic and/or irrational behavior, continually speaking without being recognized, other verbal or behavioral expressions that interfere with the classroom environment, bringing unregistered persons to class without the permission of the instructor, and persistent disruptions including inappropriate computer use, ringing of electronic devices, etc. If a student exhibits disruptive classroom behavior, the faculty member should confront the student, clearly identify the disruptive behavior, and require that the behavior cease. A faculty member may at any time remove a student from the classroom for disruptive behavior. A faculty member, in consultation with the department chair or program director, may develop a classroom behavioral contract outlining expectations and consequences for a student who does not meet expectations, or may refer a disruptive student to the associate provost for instruction.

The associate provost will meet with any student who is referred, or who continues to disrupt the learning environment. Students may be placed on behavioral probation or suspension based on the nature of the disruption. Behavioral suspension may include suspension from one or more classes for the duration of the current term or for a longer period.

Behavioral Probation and Suspension

Students may be placed on behavioral probation on the basis of their cumulative record of behavioral policy violations, including repeated violations of the Academic Honesty Policy, violations of civil law, or other behavior that has the potential to place any member of the Whitworth community (including the offender) in jeopardy.

Behavioral probation consists of a contract between a student and the university specifying behavioral criteria for continued enrollment. Any violation of these criteria on the part of the student may result in behavioral suspension. The decision to place a student on behavioral probation is made by the dean of students or her/his designee.

Behavioral suspension includes suspension from classes as well as from all other Whitworth facilities and services, and it may be imposed at any time a student’s behavior warrants such action.

The decision to suspend a student on behavioral grounds is made by the dean of students or her/his designee. If students feel that there are mitigating circumstances, they may request a review by contacting the vice president for student life (or a designee) within five business days of being notified of the outcome of the case.

Implementation of these policies, including the review appeal process, is regulated by the Student Bill of Rights, Section V, as printed in the student handbook. 

Rules and Regulations

Whitworth expects each student to follow university rules and regulations as stated in the catalog. In instances where no appeal procedure is spelled out and students believe that a special set of circumstances makes appeal reasonable, they may appeal to the provost and vice president for academic affairs or the vice president for student life, depending upon the situation. The appropriate vice president or their designee will either render a decision on the appeal or refer the student to the proper office for a decision.